Shop for Cremation Options
When a death occurs, cremation is now the most popular choice. If you’re thinking about cremation, you’ll need a licensed funeral director to handle those arrangements, and that’s a very good thing. With their extensive education and training, funeral directors are uniquely qualified to handle this profoundly important responsibility.
But what happens after cremation? Everyone deserves a permanent, protected place, which only a cemetery can provide. But that doesn’t have to cost a lot. In fact, at Forest Lawn you can have that peace of mind for as little as $300. Learn more about your options here. And when you choose Forest Lawn, you can be sure that we will provide the finest in perpetual care, as we maintain the sanctity and beauty of your final place of rest.
Please note that if you live outside of Western New York or are otherwise unable to come to Forest Lawn, we’d be happy to arrange for a “virtual visit” in which we can show you available spaces for in-ground or above ground burial via a live video call. To schedule a virtual visit, just give us a call at (716) 885-1600 and we can schedule a date/time that works best for you.
Shop for Cremation & Burial Space
View a selection of available property here.